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Common - Letter to the Free blog tasks

 Social and cultural contexts

1) What is the 13th Amendment of the American Constitution?

The 13th amendment is a American constitution which abolishes and type of slavery and involuntary work. One exception is if it is punishment for a crime. The amendment was passed on January 31st 1865, President Abraham Lincoln made it effective on January 1863, and this amendment is sometimes brought up on court to help sex trafficking or peonage cases.

2) What were the Black Codes?

Black codes also known as black laws were laws regulating the behaviour and conduct of the African-american people. This was to restrict black freedom and force them to work low-wage paying jobs. There were black laws were already made before in northern parts of USA but came effective and practiced in a everyday use in southern parts of USA

3) Why do people suggest that the legacy of slavery is still a crucial aspect to American culture 150 years after it was abolished by the 13th Amendment?

In American culture, the people feel like their are still trapped within American dream. Due to the recent events and prominent racism, the people are still oppressed of racism within the community and the goverment.

4) Why was Ava DuVernay inspired to make the Netflix documentary 13th?

DuVernay stated she first explored the prison industrial complex, using punishment for profit. But deeper she explored she realised a lot about racism and slavery prominant today. In the midst of the black lives matter movement and racial events taking place. She stated she had to make the 13th as she took personal.

5) Focusing on genre, what was the most significant time period for the rise in political hip hop?

The 90s era is where the golden times of hip hop but also the most controversial times of hip hop. Hip-Hop was a voice for black artist to give reality in their music. Each song tells a story, mixed with rhymes, poetry and beats, It gives a clear message to the listener. This was during a phase where police corruption and brutality is more prominent. Parents and politicians was worried that Hip-Hop was corrupting the mind of children. This is how the Parental-Advisory tag came into play.

6) Common talks about other current artists that have a political or protest element to their music. Who are they? Are there any other hip hop artists that you are aware of that have a strong political element to their work?

A tribe called quest - Uses their jazzy-hip hop music to help unite communities together and fight against racism

Slick Rick - Was falsely sent to prison, Uses his music to tell his story when he was behind bars and when he got out

MF DOOM, KMD - was one the main protesters of violence in music. Were pulled to supreme court to talk to politicians about this issue.

Media Factsheet #223: Common's Letter to the Free

1) How is Letter to the Free described on the first page and what album is it from? 

The song was also released to coincide with the election that saw Donald Trump come to power, but as Common noted at the time “When I say, “We ain’t seen as human beings with feelings/ Will the U.S. ever be us, Lord willing,” that hasn’t changed with the election of Donald Trump. Those things are there. Now it’s just probably going to be in our face even more, and we know we have to resolve it and be the vessel for the change.”

2) How does the factsheet link Common to the mythology of the American Dream?

In order to understand Common’s message you need to have  some knowledge of America’s place in slave history. The slave  trade in U.S began in the 16th century during which time millions  of African people were kidnapped, enslaved, and shipped across  the Atlantic to the Americas under horrific conditions. Nearly two  million people died at sea during the agonizing journey. Over  two centuries, the enslavement of Black people in the United  States created wealth, opportunity, and prosperity for millions  of white Americans. As American slavery evolved, an elaborate  and enduring mythology about the inferiority of Black people  was created to legitimate, perpetuate, and defend slavery.  This mythology survived slavery’s formal abolition following the  Civil War.  

3) How does the factsheet apply Todorov's narrative theory to the song? Does this three-act structure also work for the video?

Equiluibrium: (Southern leaves,  southern trees  we hung from Barren souls, heroic  songs unsung Forgive them  Father they know  this knot is undone Tied with the rope that  my grandmother died Pride of the pilgrims  affect lives of millions Since slave days  separating, fathers  from children.) - Intertextual reference to the  crucifixion of Jesus Christ  linked to the lynching of  innocent African Americans. The knot is a play on words,  knot in the rope but also the  knot/tie to the slave past. The European settlers (Pilgrims)  have affected the lives of  African Americans by imposing  their supremacy over African  Americans. Binary opposition of past and  present that creates conflict but  will only be resolved through  equality of races.

Disruption: (Institution ain’t just a  building, For America to rise it’s  a matter of Black Lives And we gonna free  them, so we can free  us) - Various political, economic  and social laws implemented  by U.S Presidents –especially  the ‘war on drugs’ campaigns  which have disproportionately  affected people of colour.  African Americans make up  40% of the prison population whilst only 14% of the actually  population. They work for  businesses often for no money  and have no rights. Binary opposition between  freedom and incarceration

New Equiluibrium: (Freedom (Freedom) Freedom come  (Freedom come) Hold on (Hold on) Won’t be long  (Won’t be long) Freedom (Freedom)) - The struggle is long and slow  but freedom is on its way for  those African Americans who  have hope. 

No resolution yet.

4) What does the factsheet suggest regarding the mise-en-scene, lighting and cinematography?

5) The factsheet offers some interesting ideas regarding representation and the positioning of the artist and musicians in the video. Summarise the main points here.

6) How can Paul Gilroy's ideas on diasporic identity and double-consciousness be applied to the Letter to the Free music video?

Close-textual analysis of the music video

1) How does the Letter to the Free music video use cinematography to create meanings for the audience? (Camera shots and movement).

2) What is the significance of the constantly moving camera?

3) Why is the video in black and white?

4) How is mise-en-scene used to construct meaning for the audience - prison setting, costume, props, lighting, actor placement?

5) What is the significance of the floating black square motif? Discuss your own interpretations alongside Common's explanation of it in the Billboard feature linked above.

6) How does the video reference racism, slavery and the oppression of black culture? Make reference to specific shots, scenes or moments in the video.


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